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Born from the meeting of professionals with decades of experience in the repair of marine engines, SANPIETRO SRL combines dedication, punctuality and professionalism, a strong attention to detail and the use of cutting-edge techniques and technologies.​

Our passion for engines is the key to obtaining the best results: specialized in the overhaul and repair of marine and industrial engines, SANPIETRO guarantees the customer speed, reliability and competence in order to achieve full satisfaction.


Sanpietro has as its first objective the satisfaction and safety of the customer: for this reason we are available for any intervention 24 hours a day in every part of the world. Your needs are our mission and our passion, combined with our competence, is at your service.

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"The more I enjoy doing something,

much less do I call it work."

Richard Bach


“In the homogenization brought about by globalization, the mastery expressed by ancient crafts must be safeguarded like works of art."

Carla Fendi


In a world of constant change, where the rule of replacement prevails, Sanpietro patiently and dedicatedly focuses on the engine and its repair: each of them has a story to tell and it is our concern to fix rather than replace, to give new life to a piece of history.  


Wisdom is the daughter of experience.”

Leonardo DaVinci


We are committed to responding to your requests as quickly as possible, providing you with our availability 24 hours a day everywhere.


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The individual talents of our technicians are our greatest resource: but it is only by working in a team that they become extraordinary, achieving excellence. Each of them is followed to be able to express their full potential and guarantee the customer efficiency and quality with a personalized assistance service.


"We are what we do, always.
Excellence is not an act but a habit."

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